Patricia A. Evans
Patricia A. Evans, MA, LCADC, LCADC-S is a Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor, and Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor Supervisor in the state of Nevada. Patricia has worked with individuals and families with addictions and mental health issues for over 35 years. She has been a licensed counselor specializing in treating co-occurring disorders for several years in the state of Nevada. As a clinician, she has provided counseling services to individuals affected by trauma and addiction issues. In addition to her experience with direct clinical work, she has also served as a board-approved clinical supervisor for addiction counselor interns.
What are the Benefits of Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Did you know that substance abuse disorders and mental illness often occur together? In fact,…
How Long Does it Take To Detox From Marijuana
Just like with any other drug, people who are addicted to marijuana need to detox…
Top Signs of Marijuana Addiction
Many people incorrectly believe that you cannot become addicted to marijuana. This isnottrue. It’s easily…
Does Outpatient Rehab Work
Outpatient rehab is an extremely effective type of addiction treatment for those suffering from drug…
Family History of Drug Addiction
Did you know that having a family history of addiction puts you at a higher…
Family Role in Addiction Recovery
Family involvement in the addiction treatment process is essential for the success of recovery. The…
How Long Does It Take To Recover From Addiction
Drug addiction is a chronic and complex disease that can be challenging to overcome. While…